Services available to Commercial Clients:
- Bid Preparation: Quallium can assist companies interested in bidding on government contracts.
- Network architecture: Quallium designs a network architecture to fit the needs of small and medium sized companies. This includes both designing from scratch and optimizing a current layout. With support from our strategic partners, Quallium can perform the same function for large-scale international companies as well.
- Business Plans: Quallium prepares business plans for small and medium-sized companies for the purpose of soliciting financial assistance.
- Marketing Plans: Quallium creates marketing plans to launch awareness campaigns, target niche markets, improve overall sales, or any other combination as desired.
- Government Assistance: Quallium identifies which Canadian Federal government programs apply to our clients and prepares the necessary paperwork to obtain government assistance.
- Project Management: Quallium has the expertise to conduct all aspects of Project Management (Project Manager, Project Director, Systems Engineering, Business Analysis et cetera).
Services available to Government and Military Clients
Most of the services and products offered in the commercial sector are also applicable to Government and Military clients. However, Quallium is aware of the subtle differences in these fields as they apply to implementation. The unique services and products offered to this group of clients include:
- Procurement: Quallium has detailed expertise in the preparation of government Options Analysis studies.
- RFP Preparation: Quallium can assist in the preparation of Request for Proposals (RFPs) such as Statement of Work (SOW) and Determination of Rating Criteria.
- Systems Integration: Quallium provides that essential link to ensure that the development of systems results in a single solution vice several stove pipe implementations.
- Tactical Telecommunications: Quallium has extensive experience in the development of the current Canadian Forces Tactical bearer systems. We can offer recommendations on where and how the system needs to be evolved and upgraded.